Temp-to-Hire vs. Direct Hire: Which One Is Best for Your Business?

When you’re looking to hire a new employee, deciding between a temp-to-hire or a direct hire can be difficult. Filling your full-time position with the right type of hiring option can help you find the perfect fit.
What Is Temp-to-Hire?
Temp-to-hire describes a situation where an employee is hired on a temporary basis—for example, a 90-day period, with an option to be hired on full-time after that time period. While working as a temporary employee, the worker is typically paid an hourly wage, and at the end of that time period, they’re eligible to be offered a full-time, permanent position. The temp-to-hire option may be the best fit for your organization when you’re looking to fill the role of an accountant, recruiter, HR staff member or project manager on a temporary or trial basis with the strong likelihood that full-time position is or will become available. An added benefit of the temp-to-hire option is that it allows a company to have a trial period with an employee. It can be a simple way to determine if they would fit well in a full-time position at your company. Additionally, the temporary employees can also determine whether they feel like your organization is a good fit for them, making temp-to-hire a beneficial option for both parties.
Temp-to-hire workers are not to be confused with temporary or temp workers, which are truly hired on a temporary basis and can be a good fit during busy peak seasons, for a single demanding project, or when an employee is on maternity or another extended leave of absence.
What Is Direct Hire?
Direct hire employees tend to be job seekers who are currently working but looking to make a job change. These candidates are typically seeking a higher-level position within your organization, and the roles they look for often require more industry-specific skills. Direct hires are generally more committed to your organization long-term. They have a sense of permanence that a temporary or even temp-to-hire employee is not likely to have since the continuation of their position isn’t guaranteed. In addition, a direct hire will receive company benefits and bonuses, while a temp-to-hire employee will not, unless offered a permanent position after their trial period.
Is Temp-to-Hire or Direct Hire Better for You?
Depending on the position you’re looking to fill and the urgency of your hiring need, you’ll need to choose between temp-to-hire or direct hire.
Direct hires fill full-time positions for your company. If you’re conducting a staff, manager, director, executive or high-level professional search, a direct hire is usually the best solution.
Temp-to-hire employees are a great option when you’ve experienced a resignation or termination and the position needs filled immediately, as well as filled for the future. Most importantly, the temp-to-hire format gives the candidate and client a trial period to make sure it’s a great fit.
How Corporate Ladder Search Partners Can Help You
Located in Northeast Ohio, we offer unmatched placement services, specializing in direct placement, temporary and temp-to-hire job search and staffing services. We understand the business landscape and focus on finding top talent for your particular needs.
We recognize the time and commitment it takes to finding the perfect fit for your organization. Our specialized staffing team takes the difficult work off of your plate and presents you with capable candidates ready to join your growing team.